Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Man From Kabul



                                                      *The Man From Kabul*        
                         Rabindranath Tagore ( May 7, 1861- August 7, 1941)                      

                     This man had made so many masterpieces of arts and in the world of  music which bring him as a well known artist in the literature of Europe. Way back in 1877 Tagore starts to write short stories at the age of sixteen.                             

                     The story was quite interesting and wonderful. In fact, I can also reflect it to the story of my life. For my father really loves me so much, but I only didn't see and he never showed it every time when we we're together. I always said it to my self every time we fight and my mother always taught me that my father always loved me and all of his anger with us are just a sign of concern, but they also never know that I also love them, since the day that I was born. I don't know if they really appreciated all my hiding love for them and undying care for them?  Maybe, the time always having a great deal with my family. I feel like I am stranded by an island, leaving all the good memories we we're together when I was a little child, now when they saw me they acted blind, they never really care for me if ever I have problems but they never know how I missed them when we we're apart and longing from laughter and shelter. I hope I have a time machine, for that I can return the time and change all the wrongs that my father don't really want to see from me. Anyway that's just all my experiences related to the story.

                     Back to the topic, They say it was the most touching line "I took them, and was going to pay him, but he caught my hand and said " You are very kind,sir! keep me in your memory. Do not offer me money you have a little girl;I,too, have one like her in my own home. I think of her, and bring this fruit to your child-not to make a profit to myself,"  So in that line it shows the devotion and father's love for his daughter, the  Kabuli

not yet finished...jejeje

Why Women Wash Dishes?

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  Why Women Wash Dishes?
      The story of this,was a couple in the place lived on Santa Rosa, named Hugo and Imelda. Every mealtime they always quarrel over the chore of washing dishes. They always fight about it, and every time Hugo resist to wash the dishes, Imelda made him angry and she will scold Hugo with her broom and chase him with it, and he will ran through his compadre and hide under the table, waiting his wife to be calm.


      At last, Hugo had an idea, he planned to have a deal with his wife, he made a wager for whoever speak first when he said the word begin then the first person to say the word will be declared as loose in the wage and will wash the dishes anytime and every time they eat. Then it all deal, they neither move nor eat, they a

  NOT YET END.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


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              Many Filipino people believe that here on our place there are living creatures that we can't only see and we can't even notice,because we take it as nothing, but mostly old people and the traditional people have their different kinds of beliefs such as aswang as a Filipino vampire, but the region of Ilocos don't believe on the said creature because they  does not have a equivalent myth. The aswangs are popular in visayan region of the Philippines,especially in the westwern provinces in Capiz.

                           Aswang is the combination of vampire and witch and almost all female, and these witches sometimes;

  •   mananangals
  • shape shifters
  • lycanthropes
  • monsters

                        However, the most fearful creatures are the ghoul, they are the eater of the dead, and they will just replace one trunk of banana in the coffin, that's why my grandmother said that never to leave the wake without someone who will guard it. There is a type of aswang I know is the kik-kik or the tik-tik, they turns into an enormous prowling bat or bird at night,looking for a pregnant women. Sometimes they are under the bamboo or woody house,sometimes too they are over the house with their sticky tongue,and when their victim is sleeping they will lick the pregnant women without knowing and suck their blood until they can get the fetus and they will eat it. 

                         The tale that I have really never forgotten the tale when I was a child, is that when the dying aswang in the member of the family can't really continue to rest if the small thing so called stone is never pass by another member of the family. 

                    Nowadays, many people already watched many movies of vampires, and other thriller movies. In the literature of vampire, revolve from the often repulsive figures of folklore. Fictional vampires can be in the romantic figures often describes as elegant and sexy. This is in stark contrast to the vampire of Eastern European folklore, which was a horrifying and animated corpse. however as in folklore, the literary vampire is sustained by drinking blood. They do not need other food, water or even  oxygen. They are sometimes portrayed as being unable to eat human food at all, forcing them to either avoid public dining or mime chewing and eating to deceive their mortal victims. Somehow fictional vampire have a very pale appearance and their skin is so soft to touch and so cool. as in folklore literary vampire can usually be warded off with garlic and symbols of Christian faith,such as the Holy water, the crucifix, or a rosary. 

            "From my grave to wander I am forced
              Still to seek the God's long sever'd link,
              Still to love the bridegroom i have lost,
             And the lifeblood of his heart to drink" 
                                                      From the story of "The Bride of Corinth"